Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Helping myself, My Journey (:

I wanted to post this for my own personal reasons. I ran across a blog,  that posted this amazing blurb about skin being better that makeup. The picture directly below is from her site and I honestly thought that these women in the photo are some of the most beautiful women I've seen. I've been searching for inspiration from people, celebrities or not that look more like me (skin color & hair) The pictures below are of beautiful women who are natural..yes they wear some makeup and fix up their hair a bit but they don't look overdone, you can still see what they really look like underneath, and they are so pretty! I wanted to post this so that I will constantly be reminded of what I see and learned from these pictures, I don't want to lose sight of my Journey.

 I have nothing against makeup, I love a little makeup, but over doing it
is just unattractive to me, and I think these women do it right. Skin is better than Makeup! I have had to learn that over the past couple of years, but I am coming together, accepting myself, and I just love how these girls did when they were young, and looked amazing.

I'm on my own personal skin journey, to pull myself together through all of the little things I don't like about myself and accept my unique features!

The cons to this journey is seeing celebrities like this:

It's sad to see women like Rihanna below. I really want to like her (Even though I hate her music!!) But to me she is so fake and not beautiful. She cakes herself with makeup and wears weaves constantly. I don't think I've actually seen her look sorta natural. She is not beautiful to me for so many reasons, and I don't want people like her to be any sort of image of beauty to me! It doesn't help my esteem when I see all of these women of color that look so unnatural and fake. I can't stand to see women like this.
(All my Opinions)

Too much concealer, fake eyelashes, weave, eyebrow paint, and way to much eyeliner.


  1. I've just realised over the past year how the natural look is far better than caking on make-up and having perfectly styled hair. Because of that I've stopped ruining my hair by over straightening and actually started looking after my curly hair. I've tips on my blog on how to manage curly hair, it might be helpful :)

    1. Thanks so much. I checked your blog out and followed, you have some good tips. I love my curls(:

  2. Hello! nice to meet you! I like the style of your blog! I invite you to stop by mine and follow me if you like. I hope u soon! A big and fashion kiss honey!!! Xx c.o.c.o.

    L O O K I N G F O R T H E S T Y L E

  3. Hey girl! Congrats on your skin journey & I wish you the best of luck!! :)

    Have a Marvelous Monday!

    My Blog, Crystal Chizoba
    My YouTube Channel

    1. Thanks so much Crystal!! Coming for one with amazing skin(:

    2. Haha you are too sweet girl!! thanks so much for stopping by and that's so exciting that you're graduating soon as well! Do you know where you're going next year?? :)

    3. Aw, no prob, love your blog and you! I know, it's crazy, I'm not sure where I'm going right now, still thinking, how about you?

  4. i love them all! too bad the gorgeous aaliyah had to leave us so soon :(

  5. Thanks so much for the comment, I agree with what you're saying too (:

  6. your blog is awesome! please check out mine too :) xxx

    1. Thank you! Love yours(: Just followed you.

  7. Yes! Honestly, I never wore make up for a long time because I just didn't want to go through the hassle of finding the right shade for my skin and learning what goes where and how to apply it, etc. But as I got older I realized I really liked my face as it was and I didn't want tons of makeup ruining my natural beauty. "skin is better than makeup"--this is so so true. Good luck on your journey to better skin :)

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. I get you completely... I'm so happy I'm on this journey, it's actually pretty fun. Thank you for the well wishes <3


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