Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Autumn: Honey/ Cinnamon or Honey/ Baking Soda Scrub


Hi Guys!
I wanted to make my first DIY type skin care post so here it is.
There are so many benefits from honey that your skin can recieve. Honey is a natural antioxdant and mositurizer. It's filled with nurtients and natural anti-aging properties. So, since honey is so darn good for your skin, why not make a scrub with it? I was looking for a scrub or mask to add to some raw natural honey that I had. After a little research I came across Baking Soda and Cinnamon. These are both great natural exfloliators for the skin. If you didn't already know, exfloliating at least once a week will insure easier makeup application as well and it removes the dead skin cells built up throughout the week. And for ones who have acne (even one or two breakouts) honey will become a lifesaver indeed. Honey lifts up the impurties in your pores when left on as a mask. All you need to do is rinse it off.
I leave my Baking Soda in a cool area or in the fridge so that when I take it out I can just add the clumps of the powder into my honey/water mixture.
What you need:

Natural Honey (Not honey syrup)
Baking Soda of your choice
Cinnamon (Perferably natural ground)

How to make Honey/Cinnamon or Honey/Baking Soda Scrub:
Determine the right amount of honey and cinnamon or Baking Soda you need for your skin.
Put equal amount of honey and cinnamon or Baking Soda into a bowl.
Add 2-5 table spoons of water (The more water you add the less exfloliation you feel, adding more water is better if you have sensitive skin)
Mix up ingredients with a spoon
When you get the right consistency and paste you desire smooth out mixture then apply to your skin.
Scrub face for 2-3 minutes then rinse off with warm water. After rinsing off with warm water rinse face again with cool or cold water to close pores.
Or instead of scrubbing you can leave the mixture on your face for 10-30 minutes. Doing this will leave your skin super soft and hydrated!
Hope this helped!
Try it out for yourself, honey is truly AMAZING!


  1. What a great idea! thank you love it!

    P.S. You should totally enter in C.Michelles Favorite Things Giveaway! I am giving away a $25 gift card to TJmaxx n’ Betsey Johnson Fragrance! Enter

  2. I have these lines around my mouth that I want to make less notice able,will the honey,baking soda scrub help,or is there anything else I can do?? Please e-mail me back at CATA@BLOMAND.NET


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